Daily Archives: January 26, 2016

The sweet spot

So I made it through my afternoon yesterday and the only thing that really upset me was the rampant problem of early buses that traverse this city. I missed the first bus by 30 seconds (it was running about 3 minutes early). The second bus was also 3 minutes early. it says it right there on their ‘paddle’. I almost told the driver to sit and wait, but I swallowed my anger and took my seat. I knew complaining wasn’t going to help. It hasn’t in 4 years.

Speaking of 4 years, I’ve been in Cincinnati now for 4 years! After literally cruising in on fumes with a cat that had been caged for about 12 hours, my homecoming of sorts was being realized. Though I had no job, nor prospects, and had very little money left I found a way to survive the leanest times and little by little make my comeback. Of course once that comeback was realized I was dealt my cancer card, but it was just another lesson in perspective. Even if by chance the grass is greener on the other side, there is always a new set of challenges that come with it. That part of life is unavoidable.

This morning I’m calm without the assistance of a drug. I awoke and took my time greeting the day. I took the bus out to ‘the burbs’. I’m in the sweet spot and feel inspired though aside from this blog I’m not sure it will be productive yet. The key though is finding the spot both physically and mentally. Nothing will arise unless those are secured first.

As I look around I wonder who else is in their sweet spot. Not just those in the coffee shop, but those buzzing by in their cars. Are they on their way to their sweet spot whatever that might be? We all need to find it to grow and be grounded otherwise where are you heading?